Everyday we all deal with feelings of inadequacy. Something makes us feel less valuable or like a total failure, but we weren't created that way. When those feelings do come, here are some thoughts to fight back with. You were created wonderfully complex, in the image of God and he doesn't make mistakes!!
In Psalm 139:13-16*, David thanks God for making him wonderfully complex. He talks about how God knit him together and saw him before he was born. Now, I've never knit anything in my life and wouldn't know how to start, but I've seen others do it, and it's a slow process. You knit, on top of knitting, on top of knitting, until you have a beautiful creation. God didn't just throw you together. He took the time to meticulously build you and make you exactly the way he wanted you to be. In the 16th verse, it says "every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." God made you like you are because he knew what was going to happen down the road. You were made just like you are so you would be equipped for the things God has called you to do. You weren't an accident; God had a plan for your life before you were born.
This idea is also illustrated in Jeremiah 1:5. God tells Jeremiah that he knew him before he was formed in his mother's womb. Before he was born, God set Jeremiah apart and appointed him as a prophet. Now, while we're not all appointed to be prophets, God has a plan for each and every one of us. We're set apart! I don't know about you, but when I get like a new pair of shoes or something, I don't want it just thrown in with everything else. They're valuable to me and I want them to stay pretty, so I keep them set apart in their box or something. And to God, we're much more valuable than a new pair of shoes!!
Next we head to Genesis 1, back to the beginning. In verse 27, it says God created human beings in his image. We're made in God's image!! My first nephew was born back in November. After he was born everyone started debating whether he looked like his mom or his dad. I thought he looked a little like my brother, but her family disagreed. What if I had agreed that he looked like his mom and then said "but he's kinda funny looking." In a way, am I saying my sister-in-law is funny looking? That's what happens when we put ourselves down; essentially, we're putting God down. Is God good-for-nothing? NO! Is God a total failure? NO! And you're made in his image, so neither are you.
There are days when I feel really bad about myself and look at myself in the mirror and wonder why am I like this? I may not know the reason, but God does. He didn't get done with me and think,"Oops, she's not exactly right, but good enough." No, he looked at me and said I was very good. It says so in Genesis 1:31 - "Then God looked over all he had made, and saw that it was very good!" In Malachi 3 we learn that God does not change; Hebrews 13:8 says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, so if what he created in the beginning was very good and he does not change, then what he creates now is very good!! That means you're very good!!
And add to it the fact that God is perfect and does not make mistakes. We see this is Deuteronomy 32:4 and Matthew 5:48; God is perfect, which means he didn't mess up when he made you. He designed you just like you are with a wonderful purpose in mind.
This is my first blog, so it may be a little rough, but I hope it helps you at some point when you're feeling a tad down. God loves you so much, and made you wonderfully complex!! I'm using this blog also as little bit of help to myself. I'm working on becoming more comfortable in my own skin and not putting myself down. I'm ready to own the fact that I'm Wonderfully Complex!! That's exactly how God made me.
*All verses are out of the New Living Translation bible.